Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where is God in my life?

February 10, 2012
Where is God in your life?
Is He really everything that you cannot live without?
There are many gods in this world, is He just another god to you?
We say repeatedly that God created the universe, but do I truly believe in this God?
If I did then the moment I believe my life is changed.
There can be no other gods.
Believing in God is not a religion.
There are millions of gods in this world, but God cannot be put into that category.
He is the only true God.
Christianity is not a religion, it is faith.
My mind must be changed.
He is the only true God, and no matter what anyone else or what any other religion says, I must know that He is the only, true Creator of the universe.
Do you stand up for what you believe?
Is He really everything to you, is He worth dying for?
God put us in the middle of the world to live amongst it and then share the gospel and be the light.
He does not desire we hide in the wilderness away from everyone and live for ourselves.
We cannot be like other religions who hide from the world. we are to live here and live for God.
When things become difficult we turn from God and complain to Him.
Is that faith?
How is it that you are glorifying God in your life today?
How did you live your life having Him guide you in every action.
Was He really the one you were looking to please today and tried your hardest to do everything that would glorify Him?
You must meet the Lord for yourself.
Because you are in church does not mean you will go to heaven.
What will you do if you do not enter into heaven?
What happens if you end up in hell?
There is no maybe.
Unless Christ is the center of your life you cannot go into heaven.
It is you who lets go the hand of God and runs back into the world.
God never lets go it is you who lets go.
You must believe and know that He never lets go.
You lack faith and cannot believe that He holds onto you.
God does not desire that you live like those in the world.
Just as you are different and everyone has a unique fingerprint, so God desires a unique relationship with you.
It is you who desires what someone else has. It is your greed that hinders you from seeing the incredible gift that God has for you.
It is your greed that desires more than the daily bread.
Instead if being content, we desire more than what is sufficient.
We think that we don't have enough when in truth we have plenty.
We have plenty, yet we compare ourselves to others and think we are less because we do not have as much as the others.
Our greed is endless and then there is no place for God.
We sing the hymn that we cannot live without Him but is that truth?
You must really not be able to live without God, then you will know how valuable His Son is.
You must find the purpose of your life and turn back to having God as the center of your life.
Then you will be blessed.
Summary of sermon by Pastor Joy Y.S. Lee, Spiritfruit Church

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