Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What Do You Want Me To Do For You?

God is asking, “What do you want Me to do for you?” What is it that each of you desire? Is it to truly be with the Lord, to be one with Him in His grace? Or do you, like those in this world, want to have material things? What is it you desire? What do each of you want? Those things that spring up from inside you at any moment are the things that you want. You repeat the things that you have been taught and answer, that you want God and that you want to attain heaven, but there are things deep inside you that fight for the place in you heart. Don’t try to hide it, what is it that you honestly desire to attain? We all have something that we want, but the moment we come to church or meet with others we try to hide these things because by doing so we will receive recognition from others, from the pastor, and other church members. But deep inside us, we each have these deep longings that we hope that God would grant us. This is the true desire of our hearts. But many refuse to speak freely about what it is. When you share your desire with the people of this world they encourage you and tell you to go for it and that you will find success. But inside the church, if you share you material desires with others you are seen as a fool. Each of us hides our true desires and speak and act holy. There are more lies in the church. Nobody is speaking the truth. We say that the Spirit of God is with us in the church, but how many Christians really believe that God is present here with us in the church? If you think about this then you could not lie while you are at church. I believe that there are more lies spoken inside the church. People are so good at hiding their true feelings. Let us say that you smoke and drink. Outside of church you freely tell others that you smoke and drink, but the moment you come to church you hide that truth and so you are lying. Some people do say that they smoke and drink but they do so in a boastful manner. Then is this not a life of deceit? There are so many things hidden within us that we do not know of nor do we do realize that we must repent of these things. We think God will overlook this offense, but to what degree do you think He will? At what point do you think that God has overlooked enough of your sins that you will stop doing so? God tells us that when the earth is full of sin that there will be no choice but to bring judgement to it. We complain that God is the judge. Why? It is because we do want want to obey His Word. We think it is too difficult to follow. Yes, you are right, if you try to follow the Word by using the methods of this world it is very difficult, but out Lord tells us that it is easy if we come to Him. I have not come to be with Christ and this is why it is difficult. The wisdom of the world is evil but it seems good. This is why it is difficult to accept the Gospel that God gives us. When God asks you to name the things that you desire, you have too much fear to speak the truth. Why? Because we have no confidence. We fear that if we ask for something that something terrible may happen, that there may be trouble. For those of you here, you feel that I may scold you. It is because you have failed to see the truth of the Gospel so you do not know what it is that you are to seek and the things that you are to attain so you are confused. So when you are asked you cannot answer. You think about giving up, but realize you shouldn’t. You desire to go on, but it is too difficult. You are confused as to which direction you are to be heading, so you come to church and worship, read some of the Bible, and pray a little thinking that you have done all that is required. You have no choice but to think this way because the Gospel people hear is being twisted and changed. Many of the youth today do not think that they have worshipped God unless they sing and dance. Without it there is no feeling of having done something. Truly before God we are to dance, sing and be joyful. But what you seek to do is for your pleasure. Our worship should be like that of King David who was so filled with the glory of God and being overjoyed did not realize that his clothes were coming off in worshipping God. Our worship should be like this but is it? When I see the youth worship, at times I get angry, at times I am disappointed. They say that they are worshipping God, but are they truly joyfully praising and honoring God? Truly this is how they should worship, but if we mistake jumping and dancing for our own pleasure as worship, will God accept it? If you sat in silence and in an sense of holiness does it make you holy? It is possible to sit quietly and meditate and feel His presence. But is God really there present with you? When you are in the presence of God, as described by the prophets in the Old Testament, you become still as though dead, and in this place you offer God your worship. But today even this form of worship, just like those of jumping and dancing, has become a formality. We act as though we are offering up holy worship, but in our minds we are thinking about everything else in this world. We think about all the worries of our lives and the things that we need. Where is God’s presence in this kind worship? When we are truly in the presence of God there is joy. In the stillness of His presence, there is so much joy. It is inexpressible. We are stilled by His presence. We must truly desire this. We are to offer this worship to God so that He can accept it and be glorified by it. When we are one with God through our worship, He will grant me the desires of my heart. Rather than go through proper worship, we skip to the end and ask God to give us what we want. We tell Him to give us what we want which is status, money, relationships. We look at Him as though He must give us everything we need. We want Him to be like a genie that grants us what we wish. Having not repented, without removing the sin in ours lives, without changing our lives and turning from sin, we still expect God to heal us, to forgive us, and think that He will prevent us from sinning again. It is not this way. We are not robots. God did not make you a robot. He has given you free will, so you must decide and then stop sinning. You must repent, turn away and then live the proper life. When we hear the message we agree with what is taught, but the moment we leave the doors we do what we want. The words of God, though the seeds are planted, do not take root because you do not tend to field of your heart. You do not work on removing the rocks or the weeds and having good clean soil so that the words can spring forth in your heart. The Words do not get planted, they are not rooted the seeds do not die to give birth in you. The seeds must die so that there can be new life, but we refuse to make new life. We listen to the Words and bury it. The seeds do not yield anything. What is the point of listening to hundreds of sermons? What use is it to carry the Bible around with you? It is no use unless you read the Bible. It is useless to read it and not understand it. It is useless to understand the Bible and not live it. We think that by carrying around a Bible that you become a believer. The youth are embarrassed to even carry the bible around. Because the Word of God is not active in our lives, we are unable to be one with God, and when God asks us the desires of our hearts we are unable to ask for the things we want. We are unable to attain anything, neither from the world nor from God, stuck in the middle and conflicted. When God asks us what it is that we desire, we should give Him an answer and say that we will use it for His glory, but we are unable to do so. We think that our lives will become to difficult. We think that we are going to live in much hardship. We think that He will make us do things that we have no desire doing. We tell God that He already knows what we want and ask Him to give us those things. And when God asks you what is the very things that you want we do not answer Him. It is because our conscience is pierced. God does not desire to give you anything bad, He desires to give you the best. In this way you can spend eternity with Him together. God loves us and desires to spend eternity with us. But we desire a temporary love. Even between couples who love each other there must be sacrifice. I saw a couple who were both 91 years old and they loved each other so much. The children grew up watching their parents love and serve each other, so when they were married they married spouses who treated them just as well as their parents treated each other. They live in the country and even to this day they hold hands when they walk and give each other kisses in public. It is a beautiful sight. Do you want to live like this with your spouse? I do not know if they are a believer, but for those who say we believe in Jesus, do we love, forgive, comfort and desire to go forth together with our spouses? Someone asked them how they were able to live the way they do? They replied that they knew that there was not much time left for them to live, and they knew that there was not much time left for them to be together, that one of them would die first, so they want to love each other even more, comfort each other even more, and hold each other dear in their hearts even more. I thought to myself that there are Korean people who are like this. They live in the country. They are not rich or people of status. You think that you must have something in order to love. You think that you need something to share in order to love. It is not so. The elderly couple show us human love, but God loves us even more than this. God is giving us the best love. We are unable to accept it. We all desire His love, but we are unable to accept. Between spouses, even if things are going well, the moment you hear something that bothers you, you immediately get angry. Our feelings get hurt. We think that God is this way to us. God is not like this. You are mistaken to think that God is like you. God is giving us so much of His love and asks us the things that we want, but the heart of the matter is are we willing to accept what He is giving us? When He asks us what we want, it does not matter that He gives us, because we do not accept it and do not realize that it has been given to us. He keeps asking us what is it that you would want so that you would be content in Him, so that you would obey His Word, His commands, and His will and follow Him and be with Him and spend all eternity with Him. He keeps asking you this question. But when our feelings are hurt even a bit, we think that we have the right to get angry at others. We think we have the right to give someone the silent treatment. We expect the other person to break the silence. We have all these selfish desires. We expect our parents to speak to us first. Parents expect the children to speak first. We expect others to seek forgiveness first. This is why we respond to God in the same manner. We tell God that He is selfish. We ask why is it that God wants to take all that we have? We tell Him that He does not love us but that He demands that we love others. Is this not how we think? How much more love do you want from God? He sent His one and only Son for us, what else do you require of God? What more do you want from Him? What have you offered up to God? You say that Jesus is the groom, then what have you given your groom? Even now our Lord is saying let us go together. He is telling us that He loves us. He has given everything to us. He is telling us that there is nothing that He has withheld from us. But we keep asking of Him so even now He asks us what is it that we still want? What more must you have that you will be sufficient? How many of you have ever told God that you have more than enough, that you are sufficient? We are always thinking that we lack and therefore are never satisfied. We are unable to say that “Your love is overwhelming and too great for us, we have more than enough, we lack nothing.” If you are truly a citizen of God’s kingdom, the bride of Christ, we must confess to God that we lack nothing. We must confess that we are content. We have more than enough and it is overflowing. We are truly grateful. Should these things not be the things that we confess. Think deeply of these things and according to God’s Word may you be used for His purpose. Sermon by Pastor Joy Lee Translation by Miguel Park

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