Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Clothed In Grace And Removing The Burden Of Sin

Clothed in grace and removing the burden of sin. What does it mean to be clothed in grace? Are you clothed in grace and has the burden of sin been removed from your life? To have all your burdens of sin removed from your life means that you have been washed clean of your sins. Can you confess that you have been cleansed by the blood of Christ and are now a child of God? Many cannot. They have no faith. They don’t believe that God is with them, yet when they are asked about their own salvation they get upset. Although they know that they have been washed by the blood of Jesus they lack faith and so waiver in their belief. Are you living your life in obedience to the Word of God? Has the burden of sin been removed? You must be sure of this. What is it that we must be sure of? When I put my faith in Jesus, His blood has the power to wash all my sins and in this I must believe with doubt. In our daily lives we make mistakes, we do wrong and we fall down, and it is for this very reason that we are commanded to repent. Many of us do not repent daily. We are taught to repent daily and to stand before God cleansed by the blood of Jesus, but many use this teaching for evil. Some people think that you can lie, cheat, steal and then simply repent and be forgiven their sin by manipulating the teaching. You will not be forgiven for the sins you commit if you are trying to manipulate the scripture to do evil. The reason is that you are purposely going against the Holy Spirit. When you do not mean to sin but sin, you will be forgiven when you repent and turn from that sin. But if you continue to live in sin, but call upon the name of Jesus to be forgiven thinking that He will allow you to live in sin, then you are making a mistake. You are ignoring God. You do not understand who He is. You are trying to use God, but He cannot be made to be used by you. When you are trying not to lie, but you make a mistake and you do, then you can ask God to be forgiven. But some of us lie constantly. And as you lie, you think to yourself that God will forgive you once you ask to be forgiven. So you continue to lie and sin. Is this true repentance? This is not true repentance. This is not what is written in the Bible. It does not say to live in sin and ask to be forgiven. It does not say that you will be washed clean if you do so. People used to say jokingly that on January 1 you would say a prayer and then for the next year you would say “the same prayer as January 1.” Is this right? This is not, but we are acting in the same manner. We say to God that He knows all our sins, that we have been made with dirt, and use all the excuses to explain why we sin. We have no right to speak in this manner to God. Though we are made with dirt, we have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus and so we must speak to God in reverence. We should not try to excuse our behavior by saying the we are made from dirt, that He has made us weak, that He has put us in our circumstance. We are not to speak this way to God. We speak like this much too often. We blame God and ask Him why did He make us like this? God has put you where you are. He has made you who you are and He desires to use you the way you are in your circumstance. There is no reason to complain. We all know about Nick Vujicic. He has no arms or legs, but why is he able to be happy and travel the world and give glory to God? We have everything. But why is he the way he is? I would think that he would have the right to complain to God. You may think you were ridiculed growing up but how much more do you think that he was? He is traveling the world sharing the gospel with joy. He is very happy, filled with great joy and so grateful. We have everything physically but why are we not grateful? Why do we not have joy? Why are we unable to come before God the way we should? God keeps reminding us that we have been washed clean by the blood in His grace, but we put that to the side and rather try to cleanse ourselves. What power do you have that you try to wash yourself clean of your sins? What power do you have to wash your neighbors sin? You have a difficult time loving your neighbors. You get angry and upset when things do not go your way. Who can you forgive? I have a difficult time forgiving those who are close to me. Many people say that they forgive, but I look at myself and think that I am not forgiving others. It is only because of Jesus Christ who is with me, that I am able to forgive others. But we think that it is us who forgives and we become proud. I think that I am the one who forgave that person, I am the one who overlooked their sin, and I am the one who continues to do so. How forgiving are you? We are really not. This is why we are told to dwell in God. Only when we are in Him can we find true peace, comfort, and joy. He wants us to trust Him with everything. He wants us to lay down everything at His feet. Our problem is letting go of the things that cause us problems. Because we feel like it is being taken from us. We feel like we are losing our free will. We feel like we are losing our individuality. We feel as if we will not be able to do the things we desire. We want to get angry at times, but because we are told not to, we desire to do so even more. We make excuses saying that I am a person and I need to get angry once in a while. Who speaks like that? It is of the devil. Are you really siding with the devil that you desire to get angry at times? This is why you are unable to walk with Jesus in patience, joy and contentment. But we keep making excuses saying that we are weak, that God has made us this way, and that God knows how we are. What do you want Him to know? He knows you all too well. He knows you well enough to tell you not to sin. But you reply that this is how you are and that is why you will continue to do it. What will you continue doing? You want to lie one more time. If I tell my parents they will yell at me. If you know that you are going to get yelled then you should stop lying. We continue the lies. We blame God for making us this way and ask Him to overlook our sins. God did not make you to lie. You lie because you choose to. Because you want to. You have also been deceived by the devil. God desires to cleanse us, and for us to walk with Him as His child, His people and His workers. He desires for us to walk in joy with Him. He desires to be our friend, father, groom, neighbor and confidant. We do not understand Him. If you really think about having been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, then we are to be filled with gratitude, joy and contentment. We are sinners worthy of hell, but it is Jesus who came to this earth to wash us with His blood. Many of us still do not believe this. If I truly believe in Jesus, then I must obey the Word of God. It is because I trust Him. I acknowledge Him. I am acknowledging God as my father. I am trusting in Jesus as my groom and I have no choice but to be filled with joy, gratitude, and to walk with Him. When we love someone we try to please them by listening to what they say and doing what they ask. If you love God, if you really are the bride to Christ, then you would have no choice but to listen and obey to what He says to you. It needs to be the condition of your heart. But we complain to God that it is too hard. We ask Him if we really need to go this far. Yes. We must. It is for you. You do not do this for God, but it is all for you. God is doing all this for you so that you can have an eternal life with Him. He has no other choice but to do this. I must believe that the blood of Christ has washed me clean. In the past, I too had trouble standing firm in this belief. It was because I did not understand. Some days I felt like I would be going to heaven and other days I felt like I would not be going to heaven. It is because though I said I believed in the power of God, I did not really completely believe. I was not able to truly digest the Word of God and feed my spirit which caused my unbelief and misunderstanding of the truth. Today, if the Word of God really is inside you, and you believe then you will be able to stand firm in the faith. You must receive the Holy Spirit. Without it, you will not be able to understand God’s Word. The Bible was written in the spirit of God. If you do not have the spirit you cannot understand then that which was written in the spirit. You should pray to receive the Holy Spirit. You should live your life in union with Him. Rather than living in the Spirit we want to do what pleases us. Children want to listen to strange music. They want to watch things that stir our emotions. They send strange messages to each other that becomes truth to them. You may seem popular amongst your peers but are you doing these things believing that Jesus is really with you? If you have done nothing wrong, then why is it I ask you to show me, but you cannot? You already know that you are doing something wrong, and that is why you pretend that you do not know your password to access you accounts. Did you really forget you password? What purpose does it serve to try to fool us? We know that the reason that the children cannot access their accounts is not because they have forgotten their passwords. When they go home they know their password to do what they want. If you are having decent conversations with your friends then there would be nothing to hide from anyone. It is because you already know that in your conversations you are lying and saying things that you should not be saying. Adults are the same way with God. When we are living in sin, we have a hard time approaching God. God has not stopped speaking to us but it is our sins that prevents us from hearing Him. We are unable to be one with God. But we blame God for not listening to us when we pray. God does not turn a deaf ear to us. There was a testimony of someone who had been shown heaven. They say that everything that we do in every moment in our lives is being recorded. The look you give to others are being recorded. They are saying that all these computers and TV are the things of heaven given to us. But we refuse to believe this. We think that there is no way that is possible. We say that we are completely forgiven for our sins, but there is a record of what we have done. When we repent we are washed clean by the blood of Jesus, but people are saying that there are records of the things we have done. Will you continue to sin, lie and act foolishly? If you do then you do not believe God. It is you who chooses to make the blood of Jesus powerless in your own life. Jesus bore the sins of everyone on the cross 2000 years ago. We try to manipulate this. Stop doing so. Jesus has been crucified for your sins once. Stop crucifying Him over again countless times because of your sins. You cry in pain when you get a little splinter. When you get acupuncture you cry in pain. Why do you crucify Jesus daily with nails? Do you know how much He weeps for you? You doubt that He is crying for you. If He is not having to weep for you then that is a good thing. Will you be one who God must turn away from? Do you want to be a child of God? Then do what the Bible says and live in faith. You must put your trust in the power of the blood of Christ and live confidently in it. To live confidently in it means to no longer sin. You must make an effort to stop sinning. You want to sin, but also go to heaven. You cannot have both. If I believe that God has saved me, then I must try my best to not sin, to no longer lie, love my neighbor, help those who are in need, and forgive. I must make the effort to do so. God looks at the focus of our hearts. You can act good outwardly. Let’s say I am angry at my husband but I act loving towards him and tell him I love him. I can fool him. We can fool our husbands, wives, and children. But we cannot fool God. Though we may make mistakes, God desires that our hearts are focused on Him and that we acknowledge the blood of Christ and make an effort to live the proper life in obedience to Him. It does not mean that we won’t ever sin. We will sin. We will make mistakes. But we must make an effort to not do so. Too many people try to explain God’s Word in a way that makes it useful for them. There are too many people being led away from God and His truth. When I believe that God is with me I must make an effort to not sin. I must not hate. I must not judge. Children should not have premarital sex. Adults should not commit adultery. In today’s time, people are living with each other before they get married. And if they like each other then they will get married. They have already committed sin. They try to explain that they are going to get married. No. That is not right. The Bible is clear, if you even look upon someone with lust then you have already committed adultery. It is not only adultery because you do something physical. We must be clean. If you have been cleansed by the blood of Christ, then you who are young, should not do anything to stain yourself with improper acts. But no matter how much this is taught, children argue that the world is not this way. They say that the pastor is strange. It is not so. The Bible teaches differently. To accept gay and lesbian behavior is accepting sin. The Bible says that it is wrong. We are to love and embrace the person but their sin is sin. But this is being misunderstood and many churches are saying that they are embracing these people and allowing them to live in sin. Yes, we are to embrace the people. I embrace them as well. Our state has legalized same sex marriage. The law is wrong. Do not think that because the law allows it that you are allowed to be in a relationship with someone of the same sex. It is sin. Sex before marriage is sin. To live a holy life is to not do these things. You cannot say that I will live my life this way and then later ask God to forgive me. After you have caused trouble you say you will pray to be restored. Do not live like this. We are not told to repent so that we can live in this manner. If you know it is sin then do not do it. If you do you continue to nail Jesus to the cross and crucify Him. We can live a clean and holy life. You ask how is it possible? I am telling you that I am not perfect but I make an effort. I make an effort to not sin. My heart is committed to not sinning. Children say to me that it is because I am older that I can live this way. I too was once your age. I am not here at this age suddenly. I know what is to be in your generation. Please, do not act foolishly. Do not burden the heart of Jesus. He hurts so much for you. God desires so much for us to be with Him in heaven for eternity. That is His wish. Which parent would want to abandon their child? God does not desire to abandon us. He does not want us to go to hell. That is why He sent Jesus to us. But we do not believe Him. I tell my husband that if I were God I would get rid of everything and start over. God truly is God. I am a sinner living here with sin, and still I feel like wiping everything out because what I see is too much to bear. God is patient. How can we keep living the way we do when we see how much He loves us and waits for us to come to Him? We must make a great effort to live according to God’s will. I pray that you are able to live in joy and gratitude knowing that you have been cleansed by the power of the blood of Jesus. I am asking you to please stop sinning.

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