"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me, The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20) Life, a long white canvas I draw and decorate each page day by day, will show me who I am when I put all the pages together. Like to share the thoughts and effort to make the best picture with all that have been given to me for the purpose I was created.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Your Will Be Done ON Earth As It Is In Heaven
July 13, 2012
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We think that when our will is done, when we have achieved our desires
that we have succeeded.
In God's way it is His will that must be done for us to be blessed.
But rather than do God's will' we prefer to do our will.
Of course you say that you may desire to do some of what God desires but not completely.
Do you live to do the will of God or do you live to achieve your own desires?
We know that it is the end of days, even Jesus taught that it was the end of times and
2000 years have passed.
He is giving us a chance but it is still the end.
We feel that we are free from judgement because of the 2000 years and
live in a false belief that we are safe.
We will all die. We will all face judgement.
We think only about Jesus coming back and forget that time is passing by while we wait.
We do not really understand what Jesus means when he is saying that it is the end of days.
The bible teaches us that time is different for God. A day is like a thousand years and
a thousand years is like a day.
People who have a died and come back or had visions of heaven tell us how time is different.
Do you hear what they are sharing with you?
Rather than hearing the message and changing your life you still want to go live in the world
and experience it for yourself.
You don't want to listen to what others say.
We hear testimonies of people who left God and came back to him, but
their testimony would be more powerful had they never left God in the first place.
But nobody wants to hear this kind of testimony because we say that it is boring.
We have become so attached to drama and action that even in the movies
we desire more stimulation than stories of substance.
Whether God heals you from a cold or cancer God's power is the same, but we think it differently.
We think that cancer is more life threatening and more serious but to God it is the same.
The power of God can raise the dead or heal you from sickness.
His power is not limited.
Why is it that Koreans must suffer tremendously before they humble
themselves before God?
Why is it that you must be bankrupt or your life hanging in the balance, or
have great family troubles to think that now is the time to turn back to God?
Why must your child be stricken with illness and then be healed before you say God has moved in your life?
God's will is being done every day but we don't allow it to happen in our lives.
Why is it that you follow the ways of the devil and then ask why is this world so hard and difficult?
If you want God's will to be done what must you do?
You must act for Him.
You may think that things are not happening but you are to not be fooled by what you see or
don't see.
If you are deceived and follow the ways of Satan then God's will cannot be done.
Suffering and hardships must happen for people to wake up and realize that there is something wrong.
When things go well we forget God.
Our country is going through trials because we need to turn back to God.
What did you learn from the sermon I told you to watch?
The truth is the same whether it is a pastor of a different race or country.
The reason your prayers are not answered is because of your sin.
I am not telling you to pray for a revival.
I am teaching you to get rid of the sin in our life so that God can answer your prayers.
You must be right with God first.
God disciplines us because He loves us.
He wants us to change our ways.
It is his love for us that he disciplines us so that we will not suffer later.
A loving parent will discipline their child.
Parents may discipline their children out of emotional reasons, but God disciplines us
only out of love.
When we are unsure of God's will we must pray for guidance.
I must live a life of obedience and I must let go of myself completely.
When my desires are introduced with God's will, the will of God has now been tainted.
You cannot mix white with black and keep the white pure.
By substituting some of your desires you are now doing the will of the devil.
You must pure because God is pure.
Only God's will must be done.
If you have sin in your life is it right that you prayers are not answered?
Yes it is natural that your prayers are not answered.
Your prayers are not answered because of your sin.
Then how can you complain that your prayers are not answered?
You did not live so that God's will could be done here on earth.
I must surrender my pride, greed, will, status, and fame.
Unless I die on the cross also I will not be able to do God's will.
I think that many times we do not say what we really mean.
It is no use to stand in from of the cross.
I must be crucified and die.
It is no use to stare at it.
Unless I die it cannot be mine.
You are afraid to lose your life but the truth is you will live.
Just as Eve was lied to and told that she would not die, do not be fooled by Satan.
When you die on the cross you will live.
Do not let Satan trick you. Surrender your life to Jesus.
God is not interested in your offering and sacrifices.
He desires first and foremost your soul to be saved and transformed.
He does not care about you trying to save others when you are not saved.
Heaven is not the goal.
The goal is to be with Jesus no matter where he is, even if he takes you to hell.
If you think that heaven is the goal even if Jesus is not there then you are mistaken.
Hell is where God does not dwell.
A heaven without Jesus is hell.
You think that the easy life is more important than living with God.
If God is not present in heaven would you still want to be there?
Are you more concerned with your comfort and satisfaction rather than being with God?
The light shines bright to shed light on the sin, but you hide from it.
Rather than living in the light and repenting from our sins, we complain about the light and
look for darkness.
This is why The will of God cannot be done here.
The world suffers greatly because God desires that we turn back to him.
But we think that we are being punished without reason.
God wants to bless us more but we must first do his will.
The rate of recovery depends on how soon we turn to him and do his will.
We don't see his discipline and his warning as love.
It is no use to open you mouth and sing empty praises, when you life has not turned from sin.
You must live a life that pleases God first.
What must you surrender for God's will to be done?
You know.
I is not that you do not know.
If you still refuse to change then what more can I say?
People refuse to listen to the truth and act as if they never heard the message but do you think that God does not know that you refused to listen because you do not want to change and
do what is taught?
I have counseled many people who say that their pastors do not teach this message.
When I listen to their sermons they teach the truth. It is the people who refuse to listen to the truth because they do not want to live it.
We teach the truth here.
You have no excuse.
Yes, there are things that we may have not taught because you are not ready,
or the time is not right.
But. Have taught you many things here.
You know that you must change.
What excuse do you have?
Whether you decide to do God's will or your will, you must act.
I can do nothing for you the choice is yours.
Decide what you will do and go do it.
If you truly decide to live for God then make the decision and live your life for Him.
Sermon by pastor YoungSook Lee
Translated by Miguel Park
John 21:15-22
July 8, 2012
John 21:15-22
15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." 16 Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep." 17 The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, "Follow me!"
20 Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray you?") 21 When Peter saw him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?" 22 Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."
We are familiar with this passage.
We always focus on the part where Jesus tells Peter to feed His sheep.
Today we will focus on the part where Jesus tells us to "follow me."
Jesus in his ministry said "follow me" many times.
Matthew 8:22, 9:9, 19:21, Mark 2:14, John 1:43.
But here in this passage he is telling Peter that even though he will no longer be with
them, he is told to follow him with the same purpose.
What did Jesus mean by "follow me?"
Is it the purpose he meant or the method to follow?
Was heaven the purpose, to follow Jesus to heaven?
Or is to learn about Jesus, or is it to believe in Jesus?
What do you think he means by "follow me?"
If heaven is your purpose then you must decide how you will attain it.
If the world is your purpose then you must live accordingly.
If you decide to attain heaven but live for the world, then you will not achieve your goal.
What is your goal?
Is it heaven, is it the world, is it Jesus?
In our daily life, we have many moments where decide things continually about what we
must do, but also there is a greater purpose that overshadows our entire life that will
decide how we choose in our moments, because in the end we will have to answer to
When things are cheap we use the things once and get rid of them.
The more expensive the product we cherish it and use it well to keep it for a long time.
If you call on God, he will work in you to make you worthy of him through trials.
It is during these trials that you must persevere in order to be what God desires to make
of you.
It is good to learn the word of God, but if there is no change in your life then it is useless.
What good is a fruit tree that does not bear fruit?
Will you not cut it out and throw it away?
Have you not done so in your homes?
If Jesus comes to you to see if there is fruit and if there is none, he will get rid of you.
Even of you try to maintain a perfect garden things will happen that will get in the way of
everything from being perfect.
In your spirit, as you try to live according to what is taught, Satan will come and try to
ruin everything that you have worked for.
How alert do you think that you must be to maintain and cultivate what you are trying to
You must first get rid of the sin in your life.
You must acknowledge your sin confess it to God and repent.
If you do not acknowledge your sin then you do not see it keeping you from God though
it is.
You cannot get rid of your sin because you study the bible or spend time reading it.
Even if you only knew one verse, it is living the life and doing all that you can to live the
life that is taught in the bible.
You do not see that every time you get angry and lash out at those around you, you are
uprooting everything that you are trying to plant and grow.
When you move a tree from one place to another, it will not immediately bear fruit.
It will take time.
Because you say you will change, or that you will follow Christ, it does not happen
There will be trials and difficulties.
But with determination and perseverance your are to continue in faith and not lose sight
of what is happening to you.
Peter was told that he was going to die following Jesus.
If I say that I am going to follow him, I must decide to relinquish my life and surrender it
to him and do so until the end.
When you were married or will get married you have goals about what you will do.
You decide how much money you will make, what you will do for your children and how
you will raise them.
When you decide for the welfare of your children do you consider the sacrifice that is
required to raise them?
There is much more sacrifice, effort and unity required if you want to raise your children
according to God's way.
If there is any disagreement among the parents then you will not be able to do so.
Did you get married to make money?
Did you get married just to have a spouse?
In faith, if you are not united you cannot make a good family.
If you truly want to be one in Christ, with that one purpose, you must believe in what you
are doing and follow the path that is set before you.
Noah's family.
How was it for his family?
Do you think that his children had friends?
Do you no think that they were ridiculed for over 100 years?
How could his family achieved what they had done if they were not one?
They were united in God's word and did not care about what they world said to them.
When you decide to follow God the world will try to stop you and ridicule you, but you
must decide what you will do.
If Isaac did not see his father as the person he was, could he have obeyed Abraham and
laid on the altar to be sacrificed?
The life you live is teaching you children how to be.
Isaac understood that in life you are to surrender all to God, because he saw his father
live that way.
If the is anything in your heart that satisfies you more than God then you will not be able
to follow Him.
Noah's family communicated well.
They all understood that the word of God was the focus.
It is this central point that allows the family to be one.
David was anointed as king and was given the opportunity to be king by killing Saul, but
David did not do it according to his purpose but waited for God to do his will in his time
according to his purpose.
Are you to live your life and make decisions how you want or how the bible teaches you
to do?
Did Paul go and do as he pleased?
Paul could have stood behind his citizenship but stayed quiet and suffered beatings and
being jailed.
Why did he do so at the other time and say he was a citizen?
It was so that God could use him to save the people around him according to His plan.
If you are living your life so that you can sit in your throne and be raised up then to must
asses what Jesus means by "follow me."
Do you think that Jesus wants you to follow him to attain riches?
When David tried to bring the Ark back he did it his way and Uzzah died.
While the Ark remained in transit at the home of Obed Edom he was blessed by God.
When David was to bring back the Ark the second time he did it the way God had taught
God is not calling you to do what you want and for you to be lifted up.
If you decide to overcome your problems by doing it your way, will God be glorified?
The bible teaches us if we try to solve our problems through our own wisdom we will
not be successful.
If God tells us to say yes, but we say no , then we will not succeed.
Jesus did not call Peter to be lifted up for himself but that through his death that God
would be glorified.
If God is calling you, then there is a path that he wants you to follow.
Is it for you to be rich and praised by others?
It may not be so.
If God desires at he be glorified by following him unto death, then shall I say yes to Him
or no to him.
You cannot be victorious in your spiritual doing things the way you want.
If the path I am to take is to follow Jesus, then are the blessings I seek for this present life
or the after life?
To follow Jesus and to go where he is, is then to live for the after life.
If I do not succeed in my spiritual battles here, and I lose all the spiritual battles with
Satan then I cannot go to heaven.
Unless I surrender my will and ask Jesus to help me because I cannot do it on my own, I
will never be able to follow Jesus.
You can only overcome by doing it the way that Jesus teaches.
If you have received the calling to follow Jesus then are you going to say yes to Him or
If you decide yes, then there is only one way and that is obedience to his word.
Unless I die, I cannot go on this path nor succeed.
I must obey and die to myself.
May you live a precious life that bears the fruit of obedience.
Sermon by pastor KyungJin Park
Translated by Miguel Park
What Do You Want Me To Do For You?
July 6, 2012
God asks,"What do you want me to do for you?"
What will you require of me (God) that you will live the life that I desire of you?
What do you want from God?
Do you want money, power, or status?
Unless you learn to be content it does not matter what you receive because you
will always want more and because of that you will complain.
Children complain to their parents because they are never satisfied with what
they have and they want more.
How many of you are satisfied with your earthly parents?
Until children become parents themselves, they never understand the heart of
the parent.
It is the parents fault when children do not learn to appreciate what they have.
We did the same things growing up also.
As parents, when you try to control them according to your will it always causes
It causes the children to want to leave the hand of their parents and do what
they want. But when they get older they see that things are not what they
Parents cannot do what they want and think that the children will be fine or
raised well.
You cannot punish a child when you are emotional and then think by spitting out
an apology that the child will not be scarred.
When you raise children in the incorrect way, the children have doubts about the
God they believe in.
They compare their father to their heavenly Father and wonder if he is like Him.
Of course, we all make mistakes, but there are far too many mistakes made.
We know that God will not get rid of us, but when He asks us what it is we
desire from Him, we have a difficult time asking for the things that we want.
It is because we equate our earthly father with our Heavenly Father.
I loved my earthly father.
It was not because we had much, I just loved him and loved being around him.
After he passed away, my faith grew because I wanted to go to heaven to see him
again one day.
I always ask myself if my children love me as much as I loved my parents.
I do not think they do, I made many mistakes.
I have taught this many times to you.
God wants to know what it is that you want.
I know that you heads are spinning.
Some of you want money, your children to be well.
God desires to give you something.
That is his love.
But are you ready to accept his love?
His love comes with sacrifice.
The more you surrender the more you receive.
The more you surrender and humble yourself the more God will lift you up.
We stand at the shore and put our feet into the water and think that we know
the depths of God's love.
How can we know unless we go deep into the ocean?
We refuse to surrender and follow him.
We tell him that what we want rather than to go deep into the ocean.
Do you want to follow Him, or do you want to do what you want on your own
God will answer your request, but the responsibility lies with you.
What point is it for me to come to you to keep telling you the same things over
again when there is no change?
Of the 7 billion people in this planet how many are truly following God?
If you ask any person on the street they all say the believe in God.
The end is near.
Do not think that you can do what you want and God will let you slide.
You are no different for anyone else.
You do not get what you desire because God knows that it is not good for you.
He would rather that you do not have but ask for things that will save you.
You ask for the wrong things.
Ask for the right things.
God cares about your spirit first, so ask for those things.
But you ask for the things of this world first.
You forget that hell is real.
I will not stop you if that is where you want to go.
But if you do not want to go there, then repent and change your life.
You can know the parents by knowing a child and you can know a child by
knowing the parents.
We must know God and Jesus.
Is Jesus really the groom to you, are you really His bride?
My relationship to Jesus is my own.
No one can believe for me and no one else's faith can save me.
What will you answer God?
What do you want Him to do for you?
What will you require of Him so that you will follow Him and give Him glory?
The road to Him is narrow and filled with trials.
Do you want to go to him.
The road to Him is filled with many trials so that He can make me the person
that can be with Him. He is preparing me, that is why there a trials.
So that he can use me for His purpose, not my purpose.
Unless we submit and be his servants we can never be his friends.
Children know their parents heart but at times do what they want.
Rather than asking God for something we should asking God what it is that we
can do for Him.
Sermon by pastor YoungSook Lee
Translated by Miguel Park
Deuteronomy 11:1-9
July 1, 2012
Deuteronomy 11:1-9
1 Love the Lord your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always. 2 Remember today that your children were not the ones who saw and experienced the discipline of the Lord your God: his majesty, his mighty hand, his outstretched arm; 3 the signs he performed and the things he did in the heart of Egypt, both to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his whole country; 4 what he did to the Egyptian army, to its horses and chariots, how he overwhelmed them with the waters of the Red Sea as they were pursuing you, and how the Lord brought lasting ruin on them. 5 It was not your children who saw what he did for you in the wilderness until you arrived at this place, 6 and what he did to Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab the Reubenite, when the earth opened its mouth right in the middle of all Israel and swallowed them up with their households, their tents and every living thing that belonged to them. 7 But it was your own eyes that saw all these great things the Lord has done. 8 Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess, 9 and so that you may live long in the land the Lord swore to your ancestors to give to them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.
In our Christian walk there are many times where we lose sight of the basics.
First, is that it is Christ who saves us from death but we forget that we are to live a life that shows
that we have been saved.
Last week I talked to you about whether it is better to be an heir or to be a servant.
If it is true that you desire that God is glorified in all the world, then what does that mean?
Can you give God glory only in your private life and not do so when you out to live in the world?
Or must you live a life that is giving him glory no matter where you live so that God truly is
How you use a word changes the entire meaning of what you say.
In today's passage Moses is simply telling the people to observe the commands of God.
He is telling them all that to do whatever it is, whatever position you are in to be an representative
of God.
If you raise daughters as if they were boys how would those girls end up?
A daughters or as sons?
Do you not teach accordingly?
As a Christian are you taking all the responsibility of all your positions and doing it well?
As a parent, church member, business person.
Moses tells them that if they want to live long and blessed then they are to follow God and his
Do people want to succeed?
There can be no success without discernment.
If you do not know what your goal is and what the purpose of what you are doing then there can
be no success.
So what do you use to decide what is important or not?
Is it based on your emotions?
Children use their emotions to decide what they want.
What will they learn?
If they see their parents in a loving relationship what will they learn?
If they see their parents always arguing and fighting, and hearing one parent speak evil of the other,
what will the children learn?
Do you realize that everything you do, you are teaching your children to do?
Moses speaks to the people and tells them that they had learned all about God and His commands
from their parents. He tells them to go forth and live the life that will give the success by obeying
God and his commands.
When the people crossed the Jordan did those occupying the land freely give the Israelites what
they wanted?
They went to war.
If I do not take what is promised I cannot receive.
If I do not walk the path that God has shown me in obedience and Iive that life, I cannot receive the
land that is promised to me.
In Canaan there will be enemies that want to take what is mine.
In all of heaven, there is not a bit of evil or hell.
In the promised land, I must wipe out all that is evil.
If I do not I cannot be completely victorious.
I must fight that Spiritual battle daily with the word of God.
I must decide to stand up and fight.
If you think that you can freely cross the Jordan and easily walk into the promised land, will you
succeed in taking what it yours?
Without the battle will your life be representative of that of Christ?
After their first battle, Joshua used man's method and lost.
When they turned back to God they were given an even greater victory.
We must follow God and use His ways to fight our battles.
The only way you will be remembered in you family history as one who was great in serving God
then you must seek God everything that you do everyday.
The family was given to you so that you can find all the blessings God has for you through it.
To make the family complete each of you must do your part as one who follows Christ.
Jesus says he does what he saw the Father do.
Then you must do what Jesus did so that you can please the Father also.
The day we are raptured is the day of judgement.
We forget that we all will be judged.
The five foolish brides had lamps and had oil, but they lacked the oil to participate in the banquet.
Do you live the life that keeps burning?
Are you living like the disciples?
If you do not turn from your sin and live in obedience, you will not make it in the end.
I cannot hide the sins in my heart and think that I will be one with Christ.
I must confess openly to him all that I have done and turn from all of it.
When the one you love desires to see you but you make excuses and do not meet them, the that
relationship will be broken.
If Christ desires to meet with you then it does not matter the time or place, meet with Him.
If Christ tells you to forgive, to love why do you keep being stubborn and refusing to do so.
If you keep it up there will be no relationship with Christ.
Through the family you are to learn to practice the teachings of Christ, but you do not do it.
You waste so much time doing useless things rather than trying to communicate with your spouse.
Some people golf, watch TV or do whatever it is but do not try to listen to their spouse.
Are you using all your strength to do what God commands?
Why do you refuse to apologize for your mistakes, you think that by buying a gift or taking the
other out to eat the problem is resolved but it is not.
Our relationship with Christ is reflective of our relationships in our family.
Can the things you desire be achieved through your stubbornness?
We must take a look at ourselves and see if we are truly living a life that follows God.
Or families are to be holy, clean and perfect so that God will accept our worship.
It is in our struggle to make the family complete that God can be seen in our lives.
May you live the life that gives glory to God.
Sermon by pastor KyungJin Park
Translated by Miguel Park
What Is In Front Of You?
June 29, 2012
What is in front of you?
What are you chasing?
What are you holding onto in your life?
What do each of you going after in your life?
What is it that you cannot let go of?
Each of you has something different.
Is it your spouse?
Is it your children?
Is it your dreams of what you want to be?
What is it that you cannot let go of?
What is it that keeps you from following God?
Why is it that we hate to submit to God?
It is because we become nothing when we submit.
Wives are told to submit to your husbands and that is why you dislike the word.
Husbands think that because it says it in the bible you can do whatever it is you
wish to your wives.
You are all wrong.
We are to submit to each other as we submit to God.
Wives are to submit to your husbands as you submit to God and husbands are to
love their wives as Jesus loves the church.
You are not to do with each other as you please.
If you cannot let go of the thing that you hold onto dearly then you can never
submit to God.
If you tell God that anything except this one thing, that is the one thing that God
wants you to let go of.
God only wants you to obey him and do his will, but you want to do whatever it
is you want and say that you do it for God.
You want to do things that lift you up in front of others, but nobody wants to
clean the restroom.
If everyone was the pastor then who will be the congregation.
Not everyone is to be a missionary. Not everyone is called to be in the choir.
What is it that you cannot let go of?
Is it status, pride, stubbornness?
Of all the people that lived their lives having attained all that they wanted, when
they turned to Christ, all of them said that all those things were meaningless.
Pride is the biggest thing that people cannot let go of.
Whatever it is in your hand, let it go.
If not you are not obeying God.
Speaking this way is difficult for me.
There are plenty of feel good sermons out there.
I do this because God desires this.
Even though I think I follow God, there are still times that I feel as though I let
Him down.
I try to be satisfied completely in Christ.
I try so hard to live the life that pleases him, but when I look back I feel as though
I have not.
When things are even slightly difficult I complain to God.
When things are not even terrible, I complain because of the things that I hold to.
I must let go of the things that I hold dearly so that I can be satisfied in Christ.
It does not matter what you did yesterday if tomorrow you do not obey him.
Whatever it is in your hands let it go.
Your life if it is long will be 80 years, and then there is eternity.
When will you understand what eternity means?
There is no end to where God is.
Do not think that you are going to heaven without obeying God.
You do not go to heaven because you think you will.
The bible says that only those who do the will of God will go to heaven.
The bride of Christ has been chosen.
They are the ones who are doing the will of God.
The five foolish brides were not ready and did not get into the banquet.
You must be ready.
You must live as the bride.
Jesus will take his bride but you must be prepared. You must live doing his will.
If you are one with Christ and you are living as His bride then you will have to go
to heaven.
Are the things that you hold onto the things of God?
Are you holding not to pride, status, wealth? All these things will not get you into
If you are holding onto Christ, do not let Him go. This is what you should hold
onto. He is life.
If you are holding on to anything other than Christ let it go.
Do not live a wasted life.
Please live a life that pleases God.
What other pleasure is there than being pleasing to God.
How great it is to be praised by God.
God desires that we are meek.
Do not be proud.
We must be completely satisfied in Christ.
I must not try to lift myself up, but rather lift up Jesus.
We must fight the good fight.
We must live to be told by God that we have done a good job.
Do not have goals and desires that are useless.
Do not upset the Lord.
Why do you lose when victory has already been won?
All you have to do is follow and obey.
If you do then victory will be achieved.
Sermon by pastor YoungSook Lee
Translated by Miguel Park
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
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