Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Petition to stop AB 1266 , Co-Ed Bathroom Bill, Is Now Available

Great News For Californians!

Most of us Californians were very shocked with the news earlier this month that the Governor Brown signed AB 1266 into law.

Petition is now available and need 505,000 signatures by November 12, 2013 to overturn the outrageous law which otherwise will go in effect as of January 1, 2014. Karen England at Capitol Resorces Institute says this about the bill AB 1266. "AB 1266 is so poorly drafted that the bill allows any student to use the facilities reserved for the opposite sex simply by asserting a vague "gender identity." The bill contains no definition, rules, standards or guidelines. It simply creates a right for students of the opposite sex to use the most sensitive private areas at school."

Please, visit for petition forms.

1 comment:

  1. You rock!

    Let's get the word out...go to Walmarts / shopping malls/ Jr. High Schools with these petitions...(the long-form petitions will be available soon- 10 signatures per form)....get a bunch and head on out...don't procrastinate...we have a lot of signatures to get!

    God bless!

