Monday, April 2, 2012


What must we do to maintain fatih?
What causes you to have faith?
Believing in something you don't see is faith, having faith in something that you have seen is not the same.
Faith is something difficult.
It is something that is beyond comprhension.
To believe in Christ who came 2000 years ago to die on the cross, do you really belive in Him?
Does everyone here really believe in HIm?
No you do not.
It is the truth.
Of course I would desire that everyone does, but that is not the truth.
If I had my way i would do away with all denominations of the Christian faith, because it is only one.
I do not believe in a church or a group, I believe in the one who came to die for my sins, it has nothing to do with a denomination.
Some people act as if they believe in Christ but they do not.
Acting as if you believe does not get you into the kingdom of God.
You may fool man, but God is not fooled.  He looks at your heart.
You must truly live for Him.
It does not matter how much of a fuss you make and scream taht you believe, but if God says you do not, then you do not.
You think that because you do something for the church that the church needs you, but it is not so.
God does not need you to pretend to serve Him, He can use anyone else other than you.
You think that you are fooling people and God, but how long do you think that people will  be fooled?
Stop acting.
Faith is not about acting.
I have been looking back at my life this week and I asked myself what have I done for God, and I had nothing to offer to God.
Is Christ really alive in your heart?
Is Jesus really someone that you can believe in?
Are you willing to lay down your life for Christ?
Life today is so wonderful but still you complain about what you do not have.
What happens when the time comes and you are really tested?
What happens when your life is put to the test?
Are you going to pass the test?
You cannot even pass today's test yet what makes you think you are really following Christ?
In a whim you decide that you will not go to chruch because of something that you dislike, what kind of faith is that?
What more do you want from Christ?
What more does He need to do for you?
When I pray for people all they ask for is what they want.
They want, want, want.
They ask for faith, but refuse to believe.  faith has been given, they are the ones who choose not to.
Everything has been given to us, but it is your lack of faith.
God cannot give you anything more because He has given you everything even His only Son, but what more do you want?
God ask you to give up to nasty attitude but you refuse.
God ask you to give Him your children, you refuse.
What use is it if I speak this and I do not live this life I teach.
We are bound to sin, and Christ has coome to take that away from us, but because you refuse to believe in Him, you are lost and do not know what to do.
Stop being stubborn.
Stop talking about God when you do not know Him.
The more you know God the more you realize that you do not know Him, and the more you read the Word the more you realize you do not know.
The God of Creation, yes you must seek Him and get to know Him, but do you really want to put your trust in Him?
What is obedience?
Is obedience achieved when you understand?
A child does not have to know why, but when they are told to do something then they are required to do it.  That is obedience.
Once you question the command then it is not obedience.
You ask God why me, why not her,or him or my children?
You refuse to obey God but you want everyone else to do what you say.
Obedience is better than sacrifice, but do you even offer a good sacrifice?
You are only about you.
You only trust in yourself.
If God comes tonight what will you do?
Will you still be the same?
Will you keep doing what you want to do?
Will you do what God tells you to do?
We are to seek God and know Him, but you only seek God to ask Him to do what you want.
How long will you keep living this way?
We are told that then end is near, time is coming to an end.
You do not live forever.
If you refuse to open the door to your heart Jesus will not enter.
You must first obey God.
Stop making excuses about why you do not obey God.
Even if you do not understand obey first and ask God to show you why.
He will show you after you obey the reason for what you just did.
You have heard countless testimonies and read countless books about people and their encounter with God.
When will you grow up?
If you do not have a heart of repentance you will never grow.
If you do not decide to change your life your life will never change.
You must change today, not tomorrow.
Repent today, repent now.
No one can do it for you, no one can live your life for you.
My father was a pastor, but his faith does not allow me to go to heaven.
You faith is your own.
Without faith your life will not change.
I plead with you, please, change your life.
Repent and turn to God.
God is without fault, you must believe.
Do not think that God has made a mistake with you alone.
If you do, look at yourself.
God does not make mistakes!
Stop trying to use your head figuring out God.
You can't even understand those people around you, how will you understand God?
I wonder if God called me tonight if He would be holding me in His arms.
We are called to be holy.
Are you living a holy life?
Ponder deeply your life and where you stand before God.

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