Sunday, April 29, 2012

Victory In Faith

We are all familair with victory, but what if victory in faith? It is overcoming until the end and enetring into the presence of God and during this time on earth to help bring those who are lost to God. If we end up in hell then we will have failed. So what are the things that we should look at to be victorious in faith? How can we be victorious? Is it because we know something in our mind? Unltimately we must enter into heaven. This can only be done with true faith. We must truly believe. There are many people who are saying that those who have already passed on are not in heaven. We may look at someone and think that they are going to heaven, we can look at their circumstace and the things they have and say that God has blessed them greatly and are going to heaven, but in truth it is what we don't see, the spirit, that God judges which will be tested. How are you living your life to be worthy of heaven? You say you belive in Christ and that you have been cleansed by His blood, so are you living the life that has been changed by your faith? You must believe that you have been saved and put your faith and trust in Him, without this you cannot enter into heaven. If God came tonight could you raise your hand in assurance that you are going to heaven? We may have faith, but at times we stumble. We have doubt when we suffer, but it should not be this way. Whether we are wll or not, our faith should be the same. How many times a day are you in heaven and then in hell because of your emotions? When we have complete assurance in Christ and believe that we have been saved then we will not stumble no matter our situation and we will not doubt a bit. This is how our faith should be. How many of us live in our flesh? We do things based on our feelings. When we are happy we feel close to God and feel as though we are saved and when things go bad we think that we are far from God and have fallen from His grace. You cannot base your victory on an event. Even if things never change you are to stand firm in the Word of God and keep going forward. If I cannot accept the truth because of my situation then I will fail to live in victory. You cannot be on a diet and say you will start tomorrow after you eat what you want today. You must commmit to it now and everyday forward no matter what is put in front of you. Today is the day and it is precious. You are to stand firm now in the truth. Do your best today and be victorious. You do not become president overnight. It takes a lifetime to get to that position. It takes a lifetime to get to any position of authority. Everyone has dreams. Even at my age I have dreams that I still want to attain. It does not happen overnight. It takes hard work and effort. Some will achieve their dreams and others will not. It is a matter of perserverance. It will not be if you only think about it. You cannot be a CEO overnight. You will start at the bottom and work your way up. A life of faith in vicotry is the same. You must work hard at it. You must read the Word daily and digest it and then live it. It is a daily commitment. You will not be done in one day. Jesus spent His time doing this daily. How many of us dislike this. We are lazy and refuse to put in the effort. The apostle Paul almost overnight went out and preached powerfully but he had a solid upbringing in the Word of God. He was raised in knowledge and discipline. Whether we believe or not it is our choice. I know of someone who had been a pastor for many decades and later left because he had no faith. I also know of someone who used to read people's fortunes but left that to follow Christ. It is because that person chose to believe while the expastor did not. If you have doubt ask God to show you. Read the bible the answers are there. Do not be proud. If I do not submit myself daily, die to Christ daily, if I do not become like a child daily then I cannot succeed in this life of faith. God is the Faither of all of us but He must be my Father. If you truly belive in your Father then you must obey Him. Victory comes when we truly believe in God, submit to Him and follow Him in all He commands. Do not forget this.

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