Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Genesis 15:2

Genesis 15:2 2 But Abram said, "Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?" Acts 2:47 47praisingGodandenjoyingthefavorofallthepeople. AndtheLordaddedtotheirnumberdailythosewhowerebeingsaved. Acts 5:13 13 No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people. Last week we learned about Abraham's servant and his prayer. Tolstoy said that people try to change the world but do not try to change themselves. People try so hard to change their world but they don't put in effort to change themselves. Abraham prayed for one thing and that was an heir to his family. He only had one person to give it all to and that was his servant Eliezer who he named in his prayer. What kind of servant was he that he caught the eye of Abraham and that he would consider leaving all he had to him? We know how wealthy Abraham was. When Abraham and his servants went out to war, have you ever considered how disciplined they must have been to be able to lay down their life and go to war at the command of their master? Have you ever thought about what kind of person Eliezer must have been to be the one that is recognized of all his servants? Do you live the life to be recognized by God? In Acts, the people were blessed by God. The believers were not associated by the nonbelievers but the nonbelievers still acknowledged them. The believers were shunned by them but still received praise. Are we living the life like them? We say that we need to witness to others and rather than drawing the line of what we will and will not do, we rather participate in the life of the world and bring shame upon myself and Jesus. We do not separate ourselves and that is the problem. What were the servants able to see that allowed them to follow their master to battle without regard for their own lives and what caused them to obey him and ask for God's help in finding favor to please their master? The life of the servant must be different that others will look upon them and say that they live a godly life and receive praise for their actions. What is your purpose in life? Is it to be the master of your own life? Are you the master of your own life? When you look at yourself you will see that you lack somewhere in your life. Why is it that if I am my own master and I eat to please myself, why do we get sick and have disease? It is because you did not listen to the wisdom to follow how to take care of yourself and now you suffer for the poor choices you make. If you realize this then you need to make the change now, but rather than turn and change we say that we will do it next time. If you say that you serve God then are you his servant? We say that we are his servant but we also want to be his children. What is easier, to be a servant or to be e children? The head of Samsung gave his company over to his 3rd son. He did so because the third one had more potential than the others. We are commanded to be holy but are you? We are told to rid ourselves of sin, but have you? It is our faults that the Christian religion receives a bad name. We are the reason that people look at us and say bad things about us. When the servant is told to do one thing then all the servant needs to do is that one thing. If you fail then you will be punished and if you do it well you will be praised. The life is simple. If you say that you will live your life as a servant of God, and do so in obedience, then the life that you live will be one that gives glory to God. But we make excuses, we ask for material blessings so that we can do our will and that is why suffering and difficulties surround us. Just as Abraham's servant got up and returned the very next moment to give the news to his master, we too must live to please God. Just like Eliezer must have been shunned by others because he stood apart from the rest, we too must be separate from the rest. We must be acknowledged by God and live a powerful life that shows that God is our master. We are to live a life that God will acknowledge. We are to live a life that others will look at and say that is hard to follow and that is the life that goes glory to God. Then you can be blessed here in this world and the next. We must overcome the sins of this world. May you be victorious in living the life that glorifies God.

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