Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Your Will Be Done ON Earth As It Is In Heaven

July 13, 2012   Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We think that when our will is done, when we have achieved our desires that we have succeeded. In God's way it is His will that must be done for us to be blessed. But rather than do God's will' we prefer to do our will. Of course you say that you may desire to do some of what God desires but not completely. Do you live to do the will of God or do you live to achieve your own desires? We know that it is the end of days, even Jesus taught that it was the end of times and 2000 years have passed. He is giving us a chance but it is still the end. We feel that we are free from judgement because of the 2000 years and live in a false belief that we are safe. We will all die. We will all face judgement. We think only about Jesus coming back and forget that time is passing by while we wait. We do not really understand what Jesus means when he is saying that it is the end of days. The bible teaches us that time is different for God. A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. People who have a died and come back or had visions of heaven tell us how time is different. Do you hear what they are sharing with you? Rather than hearing the message and changing your life you still want to go live in the world and experience it for yourself. You don't want to listen to what others say. We hear testimonies of people who left God and came back to him, but their testimony would be more powerful had they never left God in the first place. But nobody wants to hear this kind of testimony because we say that it is boring. We have become so attached to drama and action that even in the movies we desire more stimulation than stories of substance. Whether God heals you from a cold or cancer God's power is the same, but we think it differently. We think that cancer is more life threatening and more serious but to God it is the same. The power of God can raise the dead or heal you from sickness. His power is not limited. Why is it that Koreans must suffer tremendously before they humble themselves before God? Why is it that you must be bankrupt or your life hanging in the balance, or have great family troubles to think that now is the time to turn back to God? Why must your child be stricken with illness and then be healed before you say God has moved in your life? God's will is being done every day but we don't allow it to happen in our lives. Why is it that you follow the ways of the devil and then ask why is this world so hard and difficult? If you want God's will to be done what must you do? You must act for Him. You may think that things are not happening but you are to not be fooled by what you see or don't see. If you are deceived and follow the ways of Satan then God's will cannot be done. Suffering and hardships must happen for people to wake up and realize that there is something wrong. When things go well we forget God. Our country is going through trials because we need to turn back to God. What did you learn from the sermon I told you to watch? The truth is the same whether it is a pastor of a different race or country. The reason your prayers are not answered is because of your sin. I am not telling you to pray for a revival. I am teaching you to get rid of the sin in our life so that God can answer your prayers. You must be right with God first. God disciplines us because He loves us. He wants us to change our ways. It is his love for us that he disciplines us so that we will not suffer later. A loving parent will discipline their child. Parents may discipline their children out of emotional reasons, but God disciplines us only out of love. When we are unsure of God's will we must pray for guidance. I must live a life of obedience and I must let go of myself completely. When my desires are introduced with God's will, the will of God has now been tainted. You cannot mix white with black and keep the white pure. By substituting some of your desires you are now doing the will of the devil. You must pure because God is pure. Only God's will must be done. If you have sin in your life is it right that you prayers are not answered? Yes it is natural that your prayers are not answered. Your prayers are not answered because of your sin. Then how can you complain that your prayers are not answered? You did not live so that God's will could be done here on earth. I must surrender my pride, greed, will, status, and fame. Unless I die on the cross also I will not be able to do God's will. I think that many times we do not say what we really mean. It is no use to stand in from of the cross. I must be crucified and die. It is no use to stare at it. Unless I die it cannot be mine. You are afraid to lose your life but the truth is you will live. Just as Eve was lied to and told that she would not die, do not be fooled by Satan. When you die on the cross you will live. Do not let Satan trick you. Surrender your life to Jesus. God is not interested in your offering and sacrifices. He desires first and foremost your soul to be saved and transformed. He does not care about you trying to save others when you are not saved. Heaven is not the goal. The goal is to be with Jesus no matter where he is, even if he takes you to hell. If you think that heaven is the goal even if Jesus is not there then you are mistaken. Hell is where God does not dwell. A heaven without Jesus is hell. You think that the easy life is more important than living with God. If God is not present in heaven would you still want to be there? Are you more concerned with your comfort and satisfaction rather than being with God? The light shines bright to shed light on the sin, but you hide from it. Rather than living in the light and repenting from our sins, we complain about the light and look for darkness. This is why The will of God cannot be done here. The world suffers greatly because God desires that we turn back to him. But we think that we are being punished without reason. God wants to bless us more but we must first do his will. The rate of recovery depends on how soon we turn to him and do his will. We don't see his discipline and his warning as love. It is no use to open you mouth and sing empty praises, when you life has not turned from sin. You must live a life that pleases God first. What must you surrender for God's will to be done? You know. I is not that you do not know. If you still refuse to change then what more can I say? People refuse to listen to the truth and act as if they never heard the message but do you think that God does not know that you refused to listen because you do not want to change and do what is taught? I have counseled many people who say that their pastors do not teach this message. When I listen to their sermons they teach the truth. It is the people who refuse to listen to the truth because they do not want to live it. We teach the truth here. You have no excuse. Yes, there are things that we may have not taught because you are not ready, or the time is not right. But. Have taught you many things here. You know that you must change. What excuse do you have? Whether you decide to do God's will or your will, you must act. I can do nothing for you the choice is yours. Decide what you will do and go do it. If you truly decide to live for God then make the decision and live your life for Him. Decide.   Sermon by pastor YoungSook Lee Translated by Miguel Park http://cafe.daum.net/truelightchurch1004  

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