Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let Us Be Those Who Give Glory to God

Let us be those who give glory to God. If I take the glory that is due to God, then I am of the devil. Satan wanted the glory for himself and he was banished from heaven. We don’t realize that when we steal God’s glory that we are one with the devil. If I steal from God then I am the devil because I am rebelling against God. Have you lived your life in complete surrender to God, praying earnestly so that His will would be done here on earth? Unless you do, you have yet to surrender your life to God. You desire the praises of others and the moment someone compliments you your pride is getting bigger. You are being tested in these moments. The devil tells you that you have done a good job. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a compliment, but if you do not give the glory to God, it becomes poison to you. Many of us have fallen into this trap. We wait to hear words of praise from others. When you do a good job and when you raise a child you use positive reinforcement. This is a different matter. This is about stealing glory from God. There is a time to think positively and be encouraged, but we must never take the glory that belongs to God. When we are doing God’s work, and we hear words of praise, that our faith is strong or that we are filled with the spirit, we should not let that boost our pride. It is good to know that our faith is growing but our pride should not grow with it. Pride goeth before destruction. This path does not lead to God but it leads to the devil. If I desire that God’s will be done, the I must first humble myself. I must lower myself. I must learn how to serve others. Why did our Lord come and wash His disciple’s feet? We don’t even wash our parents feet because we complain that it smells. Even married couples have a difficult time washing the other person unless they really love each other. It has to do with our pride. We say that when you are married you are one, but there are times when we are not. When we are in a good mood, we act as if we would do anything for the other person, but the moment we are upset we hold everything back. God is not like this. Our behavior was not worthy of our Lord coming to die on the cross for us. We are so indifferent. The Jews did not crucify Him, I crucified Him. I am the one who crucified Jesus and I am the one who has my back turned to Him, but there are so many believers who blame the death of Jesus on the Jewish people. The bible says that I am the one who killed Jesus. We cannot turn our backs on the Jews. We must see ourselves in them. We refuse to acknowledge this and this is why the cross has no meaning in our lives and there is no reason to give God glory. We know in our heads that we are to give glory to God, to praise Him and honor Him, but rather than give it to God, we want the praise and honor for ourselves. We constantly seek the praises of others and the moment our pride takes pleasure in the praise we have failed that test. When someone praises us for whatever reason, we can accept it but then turn to God and give Him the glory and tell Him that it is not ours but it is His and that He be glorified. We have a hard time doing this because by doing so we feel insignificant. We feel worthless. We want to be proud in our own being, but we forget that God is our Creator. God does not desire to crush us under His will. He desires that we yield to Him so that His will may be done through us, and by allowing the will of God to be done through us, we are then giving glory to God. We think that it is someone else’s responsibility to do God’s will, while it is enough for us to say we believe in Jesus, got to church, volunteer some of our time, and hold a position at church. We are living in a lie. The position of pastor, elder, and deacon are to be used for God’s work and not as a title that you boast about. We get upset when we are not addressed by our title, but these are merely positions that you hold in the church. We need to give God the glory, but we live our lives looking for our own glory. We have been deceived. God does not want us to live in this deception. When we give to our Father what belongs to Him, He desires to shower us with His wonderful blessings. God does not desire to take anything away from you. He will not share His glory with anyone else. We see this example in Lucifer. It is written in the bible that Lucifer was banished from God’s presence because he wanted to share in God’s glory. Though we can share in much of everything, we can never share in God’s glory for it belongs only to Him. We have earthly fathers and they have their authority. They must exercise their right and authority for this has been given to them by God. There is much disorder in the world to day because the leadership in the home is failing. Fathers are failing to maintain authority in the homes. The children are losing respect for their parents. In the past, no matter how poor you were, the father was given respect as the authority of the home. Today, even though we live in plenty, and the father goes out and works hard to provide for the family, they have failed to restore their position of authority in the house and this is leading to the downfall of the nation. The world is failing. God cannot give us His authority but we try to take it. God cannot share His position with anyone. That would mean He would have to lower Himself. Why was Lucifer banished? It is because He wanted to be in God’s position. Children do not think that you have the authority of your parents. Your parents being good to you and you disrespecting them are completely different issues. Do not disrespect the authority of your mothers. The problem is because fathers have lost authority in the homes, the mother’s authority is nonexistent. The mothers may think that they have the favor of their children and give no regard to the husband, but they are creating their own fall from authority. You must all listen carefully. Mothers may think that you can disregard your husbands and take side with your children and in so doing that you will be given more respect, but your authority will also be ignored. The work of God is done through order and we must maintain that order. Without doing so we cannot understand God’s authority. We must respect the order and authority so that we are not challenging God’s authority. This starts with order in the home. Those who challenge the authority in the home challenges the authority of God. Those who challenge the authority of their mothers challenges the authority of God. Why? It is because they do not respect the order. Parents need to bring up their children properly. Do not raise them according to your whims. Do not raise them improperly. You must say no when you need to say no. You are not to let them do whatever they want when you feel like doing so, and then when you are upset you wield the threat of authority to try and control them. You are raising your children to disrespect the order and authority. Parents must establish order and authority in the home so that the children will learn to be obedient. But not having done so, the parents want to blame the children for being disobedient. This is wrong. Parents listen carefully. When you try to please your children and lose your authority to them, you are prohibiting them from finding their place before God. God desires order. His will is done through order. It is not done at random or without purpose. We must not forget this. This is why we must not seek glory for ourselves but we must seek to give glory to Him starting from within our homes. Then we will understand that His authority is not for us to be desired. I love God because I loved my earthly father greatly. I never challenged my father’s authority so I have never considered for a moment to challenge God’s authority. I can never challenge His authority. If it is God’s word then all I can do is say “yes”. This is from my personal experience. My husband and I argue. There is a difference between having an argument and challenging his authority. There should be a difference between arguing and challenging authority but today many of the wives have put the authority of the husband below them. The amount of money a husband makes should have nothing to do with the husband’s authority, but many of the wives disrespect the husband for making little money. This is wrong. When we were married we became one and confessed that for richer for poorer, in good times and bad times, in sickness or in health that we would go together as one. Are we living the life that we promised we would? We are not. Too many wives are challenging the authority of their husbands. Younger people listen carefully. If you are thinking that you are going to do whatever it is you want with your husband then do not consider getting married. A husband is not something for you to manipulate for your pleasure. This is also for you young men who think that you will do whatever you want with your future wives. Do not get married if this is what you think. You will only be fighting each other. God has given you the authority to maintain order. The head of the woman is the man. The head of the man is Jesus Christ. The head of Jesus is God. Many women dislike this message because it teaches us to submit to man. This truth will never change. Many men misuse their authority. God teaches us to love our wives but rather than love them we dictate authority over them and the woman refuses to submit to authority that has no love. Men are misusing their authority. You must love in truth. Both must be one in love in God, but this is where we have failed. We have put the first button on improperly so the rest follows likewise. This is why we don’t understand how to give glory to God, to be reverent of Him, and to serve Him and live our lives for Him. We are under the false assumption that we can use God for our purpose. Rather than give God the glory by entrusting in the order and authority He has put in place, we try to be the authority and take the glory for ourselves. We have become food for the devil. The devil is deceiving us and we are being fooled and following him. We are following the voice of the devil and not listening to the voice of God. There is no way to give glory to God when we are not obeying Him. God wants our praise and our worship. We must acknowledge God for who He is. The rocks, the trees, the flowers, the wind and all the creatures of the sea praise Him even now. Of all His creations He desires most of all our worship of Him, but we give the least of all that He deserves. It is because we have been taught incorrectly, have failed to give the proper recognition to authority, and when we read the bible, we read it to mean the things we want. The Holy Spirit is always trying to guide you. He is telling you to stay on the right path. He tells you to correct your mistakes. You hear his voice but you tell him that you will do it later. You tell Him that you will change after you keep sinning just a little bit more. You complain that being good is boring. You think that by being good other people think that you are a fool. You tell God that you will do the things you want, follow the devil for a little while. We say and do these foolish things. We do not see God. If we truly saw God then we could not say and do such foolish things. We would not be fooled by the devil because we would see that the spirit of God is in us. There is a battle that wages inside of us. Which side will you choose? Will you follow the evil, lose and then complain to God that you are weak? Will you blame God for making you out of dirt? This is why our Lord came to this world and lived life just as we are. Now that Jesus has overcome, we too can now overcome. Even though we say this many people use the excuse that Jesus is God. Then let us take a look at Paul. Paul lived a life that followed Christ. Paul said to follow him. How could he tell us to follow him? Was he any different from us? He is the same as us. He was born to parents just like us. Jesus was born to a virgin but Paul was born to people like us. David was the same as us. Moses was the same as us. Joshua was also the same. They obeyed the voice of God. Joseph followed and obeyed God in much trial and hardships. There are many great examples that we are to follow in the bible, but we don’t look to the bible. We look at ourselves and our situation and rather than serve God, we look to satisfy our desires and our needs. We do not see God. No matter how much the Spirit keeps knocking, you pretend not to hear. You may fool the people around you but God knows the truth. You may try to hide your soul but at times God reveals your soul to those who pray for you. You cannot hide everything. Even if you could hide everything from others, we know that God’s creation is listening but we don’t believe these sayings. There is no secret that is kept hidden forever. We must trust God and follow Him. The bible says that when we repent of our sins, He will remember them no more. He will completely blot them out. The devil remembers your sins. We are deceived by the devil and we follow him. The devil is relentless in reminding us of our sins even though we have truly repented. God tells us that when we truly repent of our sins that He will completely wipe them out and make us clean, but we do not listen to Him. When we are reminded of our sins, we become fearful and rather than approach Him we move away. This is how we are living our lives. Who should you listening to? You should listen to God. When you follow Him you will know that He is good. You will be grateful. You will realize that you cannot live without Him. You will be compelled to worship and praise Him. It is your heart that does not see this. This prevents you from giving glory to God. If we do not repent from our sins, God will wipe us out. I bring this about on myself. We say that God will wipe us out, but the truth is we force God’s hand to do this to us because God cannot look upon sin. It is our sin. It is my sin. It is each of our sins that brings on the destruction of this world, but we think that God chooses to do this without reason. Even at this moment God is patient and desires that we repent and turn to Him to prevent the consequences of our sin. There are many people of God who speak this message. They tell us to repent. They tell us to return to God. We are the ones who do not turn back to God and so destruction will come. We do not know when this will be. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, when there is too much sin, God will do away with us. It was not God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, but it was their sin that brought about their own destruction. We are a small number here, but each of us must first repent for our own sins. We must ask forgiveness of our neighbors and forgive our neighbors. We must pray for this country and ask God to give us a heart of repentance to turn back to Him and prevent our destruction. You must also pray for the country of your origin which is Korea. Pray also for the country of Israel and the Jewish people. Pray for the Arab nations and for Palestine. We need to pray for peace between all nations so that there are no longer disputes between peoples. You can no longer live only for your own satisfaction. Because you live in Chino Hills does not mean that only this city must prosper. If all of America crumbles then so will Chino Hills with it. If California crumbles then so will you. The bible teaches us to pray and bless the place where you are, and to put your roots down there and grow. We are immigrants here and we need to bless this country and also bless our country of origin. Israel is the country where our Savior was born and the place where He will return. We must pray for the protection of this place. You must pray. The foundation of faith and victory is prayer. How will you give glory to God? Unless I stand grounded in faith I am unable to glorify God. Without faith I am the servant of the devil, how then can I glorify God? You can do work for the devil, but if you want to give glory to God you must separate yourself from all sin. You must repent of all your sins, remove yourself from sin, be holy and live a righteous life so that you can live a life the will glorify God. Sermon by Pastor Joy Lee Translation by Miguel Park

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