Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Acts Of Believers

May 4, 2012 How will those who do not believe know that we are believers? Unless I tell someone that I am a believer or go to church, will others be able to see that I am one who follows Christ? How does your life show that you are a believer? Is it your clothing? Is it because you dress a little bit more modest than others? How do people know that you are different? Do people look at you and wonder what it is about you that they desire to find out why you are different? Or do people look at you and say that if that is a believer than I want nothing to do with Christ? There are so many false believers out there in the world today. Do you think that because you have a title in church that you are special? Why do people call you by your title when you are out drinking? Does it give you status? Are these positions for your status or is it a position given to you by the curch to serve the church and have nothing to do with your pride? People speak terrible things about their church, they speak terrible this about their pastors and elders and other church members. Who would want to be a follower of Christ when it is the very people who claim to follow Him, that curses those in the church? Fifty or sixty years ago there were not many believers but when people saw you they knew that you were a follower of Christ because you were different. Today so called Christians are found in the bars drinking and smoking and calling each other by their church titles. This is wrong. What kind of life do you think that you must live? What happens to all those times that you spend reading the bible, singing hymns, and praying? Do you really do it to worship and grow or is there no thought when you do these things? Children do not follow God because you fail as a parent. You do no set the example of how to follow Christ and then when they fail in life you the parent cry about the troubles that your children suffer. You do not teach according to the word, rather you teach according to your emotions. Where is the stability? Of course there a those who set great examples but the children still refuse to follow. These children are rebellious. They desire only to do what they want. The bible tells us to not spare the rod. This does not mean to beat them because you ae angry, but to discipline them in truth. Those who do not believe are not at fault. We are the ones who do not set the proper example and it is our faults that they, the nonbelievers, do not want to follow Christ. Children must be shown the proper way to succeed. W cannot be victorious on our own, it is through Christ that we are able. Without Christ nothing matters. What kind of life are you living outside of here? What are the things that you see? Do you see the faults of others, the things that disappoint you, the things that irritate you? Or do you see that others need compassion, love and prayer? How long has it been that you have been a believer? Do you think that you are better than those who do not believe? It is by grace that you have been saved and shown the truth, it is not because you are worthy. You should pray that others are shown the same grace. Do not think that because you say you are a Chrsitian that you can go and drink with nonbelievers and smoke with them and think that you are a follower of Christ. You cannot do what the world does and say that you follow Christ. You become the reason that nonbelievers choose not to follow Christ. Do not sit with those nonbelievers in places you should not be at and try to bring them to church. You must be different and set apart. You are to be a witness through the life you live. If your life is not separate from those who live in this world, then are you really a Christian? What kind of life should you live so that you are able to be a witness to others? Are you really able to teach others and show them the way to live the life of a believer? Why is the world falling apart? It is because we do not live the life that we a called to live. It is the fault of those who say they believe. The pastors must wake up. It is useless to preach empty words. They must start living the life they preach. The churches are dying because there is no fruit. God does not desire big churches, He desire churches that are true to His word and live the life of a believer. Seeds must die before they grow. You must die and be a new creation. Why do you refuse to die. Do you not want to live? Then let go of the old self and bear fruit. The more you try to hold on, the more difficult it becomes. There is a difference between being persecuted for following Christ and being ridiculed because you are living a lie. Do not confuse these things. Pray that you will be able to let go of the old self, to die and be a new creation in Christ and to bear the fruit of your faith.

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