Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How Are We Going To Live Our Lives Daily For What Purpose?

How are we going to live our lives daily and for what purpose? How can I live so that God can be glorified? We think that success is having achieved a goal. God prefers that we live a holy and clean life. Jesus has won the victory and therefore our lives must be that of victory. We say that we are Christians but if the is no victory in our lives then we are not Christians. Rather than being victorious we complain. We argue to God about our circumstances. We are supposed to be victorious but that is not the way. Christ was crucified. We too must be crucified. When we truly come to Christ we let go of everything even our very lives. We have no power because it is our lack of faith. It is not because God fails or Jesus fails. It is our failure to do. It is because I do not have the faith and I do not see what God has done. I have not made the blood of Christ mine. We keep seeking the things of this world, but we are to seek the things of God's kingdom first. When we are one with God and doing His work then he will give us the things to get these things done, but we have reversed the order. We want the things first and then say we will do for God. We are not truly following God. We must know what is our priority. First and foremost is our relationship with God. How much time do you pray? Do you spend quality time singing praises to God and seeking Him? If you do not then why do you complain that you lack? You lack because you do not seek God and your purpose is not for him but rather for you. You are more concerned about your finances than worrying about living for God. This is why you do not sleep well at night. Your purpose is to give glory to God, but you want yourself to receive glory. You want to boast about what you do and who you know. How about God? How much do you boast about God and what he has done for you? Instead of praising him, you live lives that bring embarrassment to Him. We are so quick to boast about people we know even if they have no real connection to us, we eagerly boast about who these people are. Our God has created the universe, but do you boast about Him? There are so many people who evangelize in the streets, but other believers talk behind their backs and say that it is embarrassing, but truly do you even have the courage to do what they do? Why is it at you cannot pray for them but rather you find fault with them? Your purpose must be clear. Not your purpose but God's. At times God is specific about who he wants you to witness to, but at other times we must just witness to as many people as we can. How are you living your life? What is your purpose in living today? Do you even think about your life? Are you living for pleasure? Are you living according to God's word? Do you spend time singing praises to Him and being in prayer? There are many people who do not know God. Even though you may be in church, not everyone goes to heaven. If you are only concerned about yourself this world will soon collapse. Even if I am doing well, but the rest of the world crumbles then I too will suffer. If I suffer but the world is doing well, then I too will be well. We must pray. You must pray for the country and bless this land and all the world. It is not right to only be concerned with yourself. You let your problems blind you from the truth about what is really happening in this world. Suffering does not happen because we want it, but without it we will not wake up. God does not give it to us, we put ourselves here. We suffer because we do not know how to let go. When we follow God, there is difficulty but God will bring us through. In hindsight we have been brought here through God's grace. When our focus is clear on God, we do not let the difficulties weigh us down, but rather we find victory in Him. Victory is up to us. Do you put him as the center of your life, or are you losing focus by looking at your life and the things that are troubling you? Do you want victory or defeat? When you compete you want to be victorious. What happens if you lose to Satan? Jesus has already won the victory. May you find victory through Jesus and his word.

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