Luke 2:36-38
We continue the lessons of fasting.
In today's passage we learn about Anna the prohetess.
She never left the temple and fasted and prayed coninuously.
She prophesied about Jesus.
We do not know about her husband, or children, but what we do know is that after the death of her husband she never left temple but worshipped day and night.
There were three who proclaimed the coming the Messiah.
The prophet Anna, Simeon and of course John the Baptist.
Anna lived unitl she was 84 and it seems as though in our eyes that she did not accomplish much, but in order to see the Messiah she worshipped God day and night nad fasted continuously.
Now when we see ourselves how do compare in fasting?
Nobody gave recognition to Anna. Her life was quiet. It was completely focused on God.
Should our lives not be like this?
If a rare car goes up on value because it is old and valuable, then how about you?
A car is made by man.
You say you are mdae by God.
Are you much more valuable than a classic car or do you need to reasses the way you think about God and His work in you?
If the value of a classic car goes up, does your value go up every year?
Are you living a life that when you relfect on it shows incredible increase?
When we look at Anna, what was her purpose?
She worshipped God day and night proclaiming the Messiah.
When did she reap the reward of her faith?
It is after she passes from here and goes into heaven and she will be rewarded for all that she has done for God.
In todays time, we look at those who prophesy and if the prophecy does not come to pass we call them fake and persecute them.
Instead of praying that the prophecy does not come to pass by repenting and changing our ways, we would rather have those prophesies come to pass and suffer disaster.
Just as Anna life is recorded briefly for us becuase of her faith we too can have our lives be recorded for others when we live for God.
How many of us are busy talking about what we did in the past and have nothing to say about the cross of Chirst?
How many of us are just lazy Christians?
Anna lived her entire life an fulfilled God's purpose and it is recorded in the bible, should our lives not be like this?
Should we not have such discipline and perseverance?
Should we not increase in the value of the things we do for God?
We are all called to pray and be intecessors.
We are to do this by fasting and praying for the sake of others.
It is not only the job of the pastor to pray for the blessings of the church.
Let us look at it differently.
Everything starts at your home and starts with you.
You who is the head of your house, how much do you pray for you children. how often tdo you fast for them?
You are responsible for they are put in your care.
Do not blame others but look to yourself first.
Now when God does answer your prayer do not go about bosting it to others.
That it was because of what you did that God answered you.
Please, let us not be this type of believers.
The things that you suffer cannot be handled by others, but because you are able, God has given you the burden.
If you can give thanks and be joyfully for the things you suffer, then you will be rewarded many folds when you enter into heaven.
This can only be doen when you open your eyes and see the Lord.
This is achieved by fasting and praying.
It is by letting go of the flesh and dying to yourself and holding onto God.
If I do not learn to die and let go of my selfishness I will never be content.
We must be able to look at ourselves and see what we must do to live the life that gives glory to God.
What kind of heart must we have?
Are we fasting for the right reasons or the wrong ones?
Let us fast to give glory to God.
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