Psalms 126:5-6
5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
You have heard this before.
It is good to reap in joy, but why do you reap in tears?
Is it because the worker does not want to work?
Is it like children who are asked to do something against their desire and are awarded with something for doing it afterwards?
Everyone here has been chosen by God to do something and put in place to do a certain work.
As a mother your duty is to do what a mother should do in every aspect.
As a farmer who works tirelessly everday to reap a harvest we are to work didligently in every aspect of our lives.
There are many difficulties and struggles that we face eveyrday.
Our emotions, our desires and everything that comes up from keeping us from doing what we need and should do.
To live this life is difficult and there will be tears.
As a parent do you get angry with your children when you yourself do not live by example and show them the right way?
But it is you who gets angry with them and do not realize that you are the one who made them that way.
As a parent it is your duty to raise your children right.
You will know when you see the fruit from your children's actions.
Then will you be able to look at yourself and say that you lived a successful life?
There are certain things that successful people do to achieve success.
It is the same with our spiritual life.
First, they put there thoughts immediately into action.
They are decisive and commit to doing what they must do to do what they think.
A failure will not do anything but with their mouths they keep saying what they will do and never do it.
A successful person will be diligent in even the smallest works and do it consistently.
A failure does not work hard.
A successul person will listen to someone else's words and accept it for themselves.
If someone shares a lesson they have learned they will use it to keep them from having to suffer the same mistake.
A failure will keep making the same mistakes and keep repeating the same things and never learn their lesson.
It is written that there are not enough books to hold everything that Jesus did.
A successful person will see that they cannot possibly know all about God by themselves and be willing to learn from others.
A successful person will lead others to fulfill a purpose.
A failure will be led by others and never learn to lead.
A successful person becomes more grounded in their faith and belief and has no fear.
A failure has nothing to fall back on and lives in fear of people and does not know how to stand firm.
A successful person will sow seeds diligently of which those seeds will come back with an abundant harvest.
How can a student expect to do well when they do not put in work and study hard but are willing to stay up late ours palying games?
As a parent if all I do is yell at my children and get angry, what do you think will hapen to those children when they grow up?
A failure desires things without planting seeds.
He is a thief.
He desires love and respect, yet himself does not know how to give it.
Can someone like this receive what they desire?
A successful person has respect and knows how to be mannered and obey laws.
We say we know God, but do we obey His laws?
As a husband just becasue you make money have you fulfilled your duties as a husband?
A failure is one who cannot see that rather than the other person being wrong that they themselves are the ones who have responsibility in the situation that has become.
A successful person is honest.
In business we say things like I am making no money of this transaction, but really are you making nothing or are you making a little?
A failure tries to make everything look good by talking a lot but when you go deeper in their lives you see that they have nothing and are filled with many lies.
You will never succeed if you live in lies.
A successful person can walk proudly without fear because they have nothing to hide and whenever they speak it is always the same.
A failure is filled with lies and cannot keep all the lies in order and has a difficult time remembering what he said to who.
Focusing on living a good life is hard work.
That is to be our purpose, not money.
When money is the purpose you will live to be a failure, but when your purpose is to live a proper life that God desires then you will be successful.
Success is not about money, it is about doing what you were called to do.
As a husband you are to be the best husband and if you succeed then you will please God.
If you think of everything as work that has been given to you by Jesus then do you think that you will succeed in your work?
If all you think of is money do you not think that you emplyers will see that and one day get tired of your constant harassing for more money?
If all you did was focus on work and did excellent work for your company, do you not think that your employers will notice and consider you valuable and give you a raise?
To sow seeds and try to reap a harvest is truly hard work.
In a moment, something can happen and destroy all the hard work without you even knowing it.
In your life, as you work hard, something can happen that will try to destroy all your hard work, whether it is anger, temptation, or any other thing that will make you stumble.
You must stay alert and be focused because no one else can do it for you.
All your old behaviors can spring up at any moment and You must be the one on guard to protect eveything that you are doing to succeed.
In order to climb the ladder of success you must stay in one place and work up that ladder.
If you keep moving from one place to another I will never make it to the top.
In the company of Christ I must work hard and keep climbing the ladder.
What does it mean to sow in tears and reap in joy?
When I have put in all my hard work and sacrifice and have reaped the gift of eternal life after judgement.
It is this that I pray will be yours as you decide to live this life with focus and action.
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